Movement screens are commonly seen in the healthcare/medical professions; however, these screens are only predictive in nature. More simplified, they can only indicate an increased likelihood for a potential injury, but nothing about treatment. An assessment is diagnostic in nature for the whole body, used to accurately find the precise source of the problem and/or dysfunction giving the practitioner a complete, standardized and systematic examination. The body was meant to move, so if you are only accessing it in a static, isolate manner you are missing a large piece of the problem. Anatomy shows the body’s structure, framework and shell while, physiology reveals the function, action and affiliation; consequently only when integrating both do you tackle the entire problem and not miss a large piece of the diagnostic puzzle.
There is intentional redundancy built in to make sure that each individual area is accessed multiple times. In essence it locates your body’s “weak links,” such as poor posture, faulty biomechanics, insufficient muscular strength, endurance, stamina, sources for acute/chronic pain, etc.
Perfect For…
- Elite athletes
- Average Joes
- Weekend warriors
- Anyone who moves and experiences pain and/ or dysfunction!!!